It's been months since I've started developing Project Taekwondo Fighter and, there had been a lot of drastic changes that had occured during this production phase due to several decisions I had taken. And today, I would like to list all of these changes from Pre-Alpha to Pre-Release: Pre-Alpha (Concept Stage): During the concept stage, I had way more mechanics and enemy characters which were to be included in the game -such as- multiple levels that were listed in my HCD (High concept document). These levels were supposed to take place in a regular dojo and an olympic arena, and also, newer moves were supposed to be introduced as well. However, these were cut short due to me trying to understand more and more about the source code of the game. (The images taken from the 10 pager and the Hcd that lists the content that was supposed to be included but then was cut. For people whom might have bad eye-sight, the list of characters which were to appear during the olympic stages w...
Hello, I'll get to the chase quickly. Turns out, the background image used in the alpha version was created by someone and wasn't deemed as free, because of this, any video that had that background with it are deleted.
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