After the meeting we had with the disabled students from Churchill college and I had collected my responses accordingly with the people I had tested my game with, where these people are: Responses: Leo Simpson: Leo thinks it's great. Paul Dawson (Teacher): Positive: He said he enjoyed the retro feel of the game, reminded him of the original Double Dragon on NES Negative: He thinks that the kicks weren't really connecting Billy burrows: Positive: He says he likes the game Negative: He thinks it's too easy Michael Robertson: Feedback: He thinks more moves should be integrated He thinks that input for getting damage be implemented Josh Richardson: Positive: Noting Negative: He thinks the game should be more Realistic Joey Dade: Positive: He thinks that the kick feels good Negative: More moves are needed Karen Nat: Positive: She thinks it's a good game More fighting Alfred Good: Positives: He thinks it's quite fun Negative: He thinks more blood should be added Connor Cl...