Updates on my game: Now the ai, the camera system, the basic menu, and player stats had been sorted. And here are the targets we want to achieve: 1-Create borders within the 2D map 2-Creating the health bars 3-Optimizing the menu so that it starts from the beginning and ends at the final level
Nisan, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Development log of my game
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Hello, this is my personal development log for the game I'm currently making in my games production course at West Anglia: 1-The character moves 2-Walking animations are done 3-Kicking animations are done 4-Input animations (from the sandbag) are done 5-Collisions are put through 6-Opponent follows player 7-An health system is integrated to the game where the opponent dies of hit enough damage 8-Knockback variables had been added so that the enemy gets knocked back when hit Things to do: 1-Add attack animations for the enemy sprite and create an attack state within the code 2-Add a health system to the player 3-add a knockback element to the player sprite so that you also get knocked out when you are hit 4-Create health bars and integrate them to the game 5-Add a background 6-Create a level progression system (where you go through level 2 after performing the actions needed for the training stage) 7-Create a menu